Peacock Pleasure

Two Sunday's ago I was looking through my bedroom window when I suddenly realised these big birds strutting around. I didn't have my glasses on, and my first thought was that they were really big hadedas, but then I thought that they walked really funny for a hadeda and had a closer look, only to be surprised by peacocks. We had one male and two female peacocks in our garden! How cool is that!! Something you really don't see every day. In fact it's an absolute first for me...

They stuck around for a little while, until Clyde chased them over the fence into someone elses garden. Apparently these three wild peacocks make an apprearance in our area every now and then, so maybe we will see them again.

Lovely Surprise Visit

Dad and Sherilee-ann dropped by yesterday for a quick visit as they were in the area. It was great to catch up a bit and just hang out. We spent most of the time trying to get Eden to smile for the camera or for anyone, but as usual she made us work really hard, and then still produced very little by way of smiles or giggles or any expression actually. She is very camera shy and very wary of people in general, but after a while she generally thaws out a bit and becomes easier to please...
Here a little pic of the three stooges...

...and here Amanda insisted on a photo before they left - any opportunity for her to use the camera is gladly taken ;-)

Glen's Daughter

 For someone who was so serious and quiet as a baby, Rachel certainly has becom a card. She continues to make us laugh with all her funny faces and sense of humour. What should I expect with her having Glen as a dad?

10 Years

Today Glen and I celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Honestly these have been the best 10 years of my life. God has blessed me beyond what I could have ever asked or thought and all the praise and glory goes to Him alone for our marriage. Without Him we never would have met, we never would have gotten married, and even if we had, I doubt that we would still be married today without His grace in our lives.

He continues to mould us and shape us, and continues to teach us to love one another. He continues to sanctify us and show us how much we need Him. He continues to pour His blessings onto us in ways that we are constantly humbled and full of praise! Without our Lord our marriage will not see through the next 10 years!  We praise Him for our children, for our ministry, for our home, our pets, our car, our clothes, our daily provision - we praise Him for the gift of each other and the grace to continue on this journey heavenward together! We praise Him for EVERYTHING!