Concert time

Amanda and Leah both attend the Monnas Music School here in Krugersdorp and both have the same teacher, who is actually Leah's aunt, Sanet Louw. Amanda takes piano and flute lessons with her and Leah takes recorder.
On Wednesday night all the best pupils got to perform at a special concert. Unfortunately we didn't stay to hear anyone else play, as Lara and Aidan were with us and still suffering from jet lag. That reminds me...the Martin family is here from Australia for a lovely 2 week visit, they arrived on Tuesday.

Amanda recently did her music exams and did very well - we are so proud of you my girl, keep using your gift for the Lord!

Baptism Service

Another couple in have gone through the waters of baptism and are wanting to become members of our church. Warrick and Helena are such a blessing to us. We have not spent that much time with them yet, but have enjoyed their company when they attended 'The Biblical Portrait of Marriage'. They have a little girl, Kayla. Hopefully we will be seeing more of them as they become more integrated in our fellowship.

Jason, one of the YFLers, was also baptised, even though he is already a member of our church. He says that he was not a christian when he was baptised the first time and wanted to be baptised now as a born again believer - Praise the Lord!

Thank you Father for adding to our number in such a wonderful way!

Travelling Supper

Last week Saturday, we had a young adult's travelling supper. Unfortunately I only took my camera out at the end of the evening, but it was such a blessing, and actually my first supper of this kind.

We started off at the Gilbert's home, where we enjoyed Rachelle's special chicken salad, which was really delicious. Unfortunately Lisa couldn't enjoy it as she is allergic to nuts...good thing she asked before she took a bite!

We then all travelled to Zuleka's home, who happens to live a few houses down from us, for a wonderful spread of turkey, beef, spiced rice, potato salad, bean salad, and other yummy stuff. We spent a little time there sitting on cumfy coushins and telling jokes...

We then made our way to Chris and Taryn's home in where the lights happened to go out soon after we got there. She had diligently made a pile of pancakes with decadent toppings...mmmm...mouth-watering.

This pancake was the most artistic and belonged to Luanda - (above middle)

As usual, Glen entertained me with his funny faces.

Thanks Rachelle for organizing such a wonderful evening!

Fruit Cakes & Freaky Frogs

Granny time yesterday was spent drinking Sprite Floats and making 'Christmas Mince Pies' - which I must say the girls really did enjoy making.

They are really easy to make, especially when you have a precooked bought filling...just the way I like to bake...

The girls spent the evening catching frogs, and freaking me out!
Rachel was very sad when she was told that she was not allowed to keep it inside, and when I told her to let it go...

When she said goodbye, she kissed it and said..."I love you...I'm going to miss you...*sniff*"
Rachel is such a character!

I dunno...

Glen received some CNA vouchers from his dad and stepmom for his birthday, and decided to furnish our games cupboard with some more fun. This was one of the games he picked out, and we had an opportunity with Jacques and Megan to play it last night...

...neither of our teams were very good at the game, and the most common answer was...'I dunno...' I think Glen and I took a total of 2 pie slices...not very bright! Hopefully after a few years we would have picked up on some more of the answers to actually get somewhere. I confess - Trivial Pursuit is really not my No.1 game...or No.2...or 3, 4, get the picture.