Travelling Supper

Last week Saturday, we had a young adult's travelling supper. Unfortunately I only took my camera out at the end of the evening, but it was such a blessing, and actually my first supper of this kind.

We started off at the Gilbert's home, where we enjoyed Rachelle's special chicken salad, which was really delicious. Unfortunately Lisa couldn't enjoy it as she is allergic to nuts...good thing she asked before she took a bite!

We then all travelled to Zuleka's home, who happens to live a few houses down from us, for a wonderful spread of turkey, beef, spiced rice, potato salad, bean salad, and other yummy stuff. We spent a little time there sitting on cumfy coushins and telling jokes...

We then made our way to Chris and Taryn's home in where the lights happened to go out soon after we got there. She had diligently made a pile of pancakes with decadent toppings...mmmm...mouth-watering.

This pancake was the most artistic and belonged to Luanda - (above middle)

As usual, Glen entertained me with his funny faces.

Thanks Rachelle for organizing such a wonderful evening!


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