Eden is 2!

Last week Sunday we were so blessed to celebrate Eden's birthday with all those that are special to her. I don't think that she fully understood what was going on, but she had a wonderful time all the same. Barney, to my horror has become a favourite, and so we decided to have him be the theme of her special day, although I did keep him to  a minimum :-)
Thank you to all those who celebrated her life with us, and for being such a special part of it!

Rachel was our face painter, and Amanda organized the games...there is definately a huge advantage in having my big helpers on hand - thank you girls so much for being such a blessing!

I think I can safely say that Jude is Natasha's favourite 'almost 11 month old' in the church! She just loves him so much, and the feeling is definately mutual!

Ag, little Aydon, what can I say...you are too cute! Unfortunately he didn't want to sleep and so his mommy had to take him home - can't wait to see him again!

It was so special to have Eden's great grandparents at the party too - they added so much to her special day!

Aside from her family, I think that Zani is her favourite person on this planet! Thank you Zani for making such an effort with Eden and for loving her so much!

After loads of sweets, ice-creams, ice-cream cake, eats, games, chips and cooldrink we finally opened presents! She was so blessed with all her gifts that she could hardly take it all in! Thank you all for blessing her so much!

We love you Eden!!!


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